Darlington Retube Waste Processing Building
HRCx acted as a commissioning agent for the Retube Waste Processing Building (RWPB), located at the Darlington Nuclear Generation Facility in Bowmanville, Ontario. The RWPB is a new construction facility required as part of the Darlington Retube and Feeder Replacement (RFR) project to provide support to the Waste Tooling System (WTS) which optimizes water processing and packaging operations. The facility is equipped with specialized systems to maintain industry standards for safety and containment such as the Active Ventilation System (AVS), Radiation Stack Monitoring System, Fire Alarm Detection / Protection Systems, Public Address system, as well as emergency power. The project encompassed equipment verification and O&M documentation to ensure that building systems are functionally tested and capable of being operated and maintained to perform as intended.
Completion Date: 2017